Custom Wooden Slide Playground

Custom Wooden Slide Playgroundt For Sale
Custom Wooden Slide Playgroundt For Sale
Custom Wooden Slide Playgroundt For Sale
Custom Wooden Slide Playgroundt For Sale
Custom Wooden Slide Playground For Sale

Custom Wooden Slide Playground

  • Product Type: Custom Wooden Playground
  • Model No.:ML-XBS1088
  • Size: 900x500x390cm
  • Material: Rosewood
  • Column: 10x10cm
  • Platform: 100x100cm
  • Age Range: 2-12 years
  • Certificate: CE,ISO9001,14001,18001 ......
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Commercial play equipment brings the most joy to children. The structure allows more than 10 children playing at the same time, especially great for preschool-aged children. The commercial play equipment includes outdoor slide,outdoor swing,outdoor climbing structure and many other play equipments, allowing fun and inclusion for children of all ability levels. Lastly, the play equipment can be customized as your requipments,the size,material,theme, all can be customized.

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